Data Reports



This is an ongoing project to log all the activity we have witnessed over the years. 

There is still lots to be added to but as time goes on we hope you will be able to see just what goes on at all the locations we investigate. 

Happy reading!



Ampthill High St cellar - Ampthill, Bedfordshire

  • January 2025 - Quite a full on evening, which was live streamed to Facebook. We had a number of names come up on the Hexcom and some rem pod activity at the beginning of the night. We had a great dowsing rod session with a 10 minute conversation with a lady. I spent some time doing an Estes method on spirit box and ended up going into a trance and lost about 2 minutes that I don't remember. In the smaller room we had a cat ball being activated on request. A possible mist was seen at the far end of the main area.

Auntie Pauline's - Bradwell, Buckinghamshire

  • Halloween 2023 - Prior to our investigation, Pauline had witnessed clocks stopping, a wine bottle breaking, footsteps upstairs and electric devices being messed about with. On the night, in  Pauline's living room we had cat balls being activated and EMF meters going up to red. Diane, Pauline's sister got the urge to sing a hymn she's never heard before. Up stairs, on the landing, using an SLS camera we had the image of a second person stood next to Lucy. We had cat balls activated in the office room and the rem bear went off at the top of the stairs.
  • February 2025 - Cat balls were set off in the doorway of the living room, the rem bear light up while sat on the mobility scooter at the bottom of the stairs. Three motion lights were set up on the stairs and on more than one occasion they lit up. While we were all down stairs, a lamp in the office room was turned on up in the office. The on off button was an old fashioned one, much like a light switch so couldn't have gone off by accident. 

The bald Buzzard - Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire

  • February 2023 - While down in the cellar myself, Dani and Jackie heard a dog running about up in the bar area, even though there wasn't a dog in the building.

Boughton Church - Northamptonshire

  • September 2023 - We thought we were going to be in for a good night when we got the rem bears out on arrival for them to be activated but unfortunately, that was all we had for the rest of the evening!

Bradwell Farm House - Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire

  • May 2017 - While taking part in a circle, one of the guests, who had Cerebral Palsy and couldn't moved his arm above elbow height, had his arm lifted above his head. We believed that the spirit hadn't seen a disability before and was intrigued by it. During a scrying session we split up into 2 groups and moved to separate rooms. At the same time, in both rooms, an image of a person was seen in both mirrors and scared both those who were scrying when they described the same image seen to each other.

Bran's Castle - Romania

  • June 2023 - Very disappointing!! The castle was very bare and the furniture they did have seemed to be props and not genuine pieces from the era. I didn't get any feelings of a presence in the building anywhere.

British Schools Museum - Hitchin, Hertfordshire

  • March 2020 - On my initial walk around I was aware of a school teacher in a store cupboard, which was once a classroom. She wore a tweed suit, hair in a bun and dark, pointed shoes. She was stood at the rear of the room, which i thought odd until I was told the original door to the room was at the other end. In the masters bedroom a number of us heard a baby crying which was unusual as it was past midnight and there wasn't anyone out on the street walking past with a child.

The Buckingham Arms - Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire

  • January 2025 - A quiet night to begin with but we did have some success in the front bar area and communicated with a gentleman called George. When his name was mentioned the EMF meter would be activated. George also came up on the Hexcom. He was from around the time of world War one. In the cellar the group spoke to a man called Charlie.

Buckingham Gaol - Buckinghamshire

  • February 2020 - An amazing first night her with lots of activity. Rem pods were activated in the main hall and up in the far cell upstairs. A rem bear was activated at the bottom of the stairs. In the far cell upstairs,  one of our investigators was stopped going inside and had scratches on his arm when he came out. In the small room downstairs we had cat balls light up on request.
  • October 2021 - A great table tipping session had the table up on one leg. I made contact with a young lady called Helena and after some extensive research she was found on the 1891 census from the gaol with her mother and father, the governor. Again, the far cell had a dark feeling about it and we had some EMF activity and the rem bears being activated. 

The Chequer's Pub - Fenny Stratford, Buckinghamshire

  • February 2024 - On my initial walk around I was aware of a gentleman who'd had a heart attack, on the stairs into the cellar. I later discovered one of the previous landlords had, in fact, died of a heart attack. Ouija board session in the barn came up with a girl in 1940. She had someone with her. D for daddy was mention but no mother with her. We believed her to be 8 or 9 years old. Upstairs in the living area a rem bear was activated without anyone else in there.

The Cloisters - Letchworth, Hertfordshire

  • September 2019 - In the main meeting area I felt like I had a huge weight on my back whilst standing in the doorway. Also, someone tapped on my left shoulder when I was sat in the chairs to the right at the front of the room and I heard laughter. Upstairs in the flat, in the small room I saw a gentleman, drinking a cup of tea at the table, dressed in a cap and waistcoat and brown corduroy trousers. He raised his tea cup and saluted me! In the main room in the flat I was struggling to breath on the raised platform and I saw a WW1 soldier in the rafters on the top floor.

Clophill Church - Clophill, Bedfordshire

  • August 2022 - Despite lots of talk about Clophill Church and using a spirit box, EMF meters, rem bears and cat balls, we had absolutely no activity in the church ruins at all.

The Coffee Pot Tavern - Towcester, Buckinghamshire

  • March 2025 - Use of 3 bedrooms, bar area and the flat. All areas had a lot of EMF meter activity on request. The rem bear on the upstairs corridor was activated on numerous occasions. Ouija boards were used and we had the name Agatha in room 1. Also in room 1, a pendulum session and cat balls responding on request, along with an emf meter. Walter came up on the hexcom in room 2 and in the laundry room downstairs.

Cold Christmas Church - Thunbridge, Hertfordshire

  • April 2022 - Tapping heard at the rear door in response to our taps. Footsteps heard in the far right hand corner under the trees. Cats balls activated at the main front door. Someone seen poking their head around the wall at the rear on the SLS camera.

The Cromwell - Stevenage, Hertfordshire

  • November 2021 - In the Naseby suite we had someone known to one of the guests come up on the Ouija board. Kelly was shaken by a spirit who was quite angry. In the Rump and Wade bar at the end of the night we tried to do a human pendulum but got a very uneasy feeling so decided to stop and carry on with a Ouija board. Within a couple of minutes of starting the board a number of us again felt unhappy with the responses and decided to finish the night, for the guests safety. 
  • February 2022 - While doing a evp session in the Fairfax room and we all heard a gentleman sigh in the corner of the room. In the small office adjacent to the Fairfax we had a hotel bell ring when there wasn't anyone in there.  Helen and myself both came up with the name David at the same time in one of the far bedrooms, and an orb was seen in the bathroom. Cat balls and EMF meters were activated around different areas of the hotel.

Donatello's - Ampthill, Bedfordshire

  • January 2025 - EMF meters went off for most of the night. Divining rods had a few responses. We had a 10 minute conversation using a rem bear for yes and no answers, hexcom responses that tallied with answers we asked, a cat ball pushed along a table and something was pushed off the shelf in the kitchen downstairs.

Hampton Gay Church - Shipton-on-Cherwell, Oxfordshire

  • August 2022 - During a live stream we heard footsteps on the other side of the river, Toby was taken ill and we had to stop filming shortly after. We had a good divining rod session in the doorway of the church and a digital EMF meter responded when questions were asked, while it was placed on the top of a gravestone. During a walk about I was startled by a man, wearing an overcoat looking through the hedge, yet when we looked again he couldn't be seen.

High Street - Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire

  • March 2020 - Two men's names, William and John came to us during the start of the night and we later discovered these were the names of the brothers who owned the building many years ago. Also seen were a lady and a young child up on the landing, a young lady out in the back store room, who was known by those who worked there, and an elderly lady who was known to have died after falling down the stairs on the top landing. During the night I felt a sharp pain between my shoulders, as if someone had punched me. I told spirit to step away. One playing back the CCTV you can see an orb behind me, it then followed me across the room and is then seen move away when I asked it to step away. Again, on CCTV, one of the girls was walking along the corridor, turns around as if she was looking at someone and then an orb moves away from her in the opposite direction.

Hitchin Priory - Hitchin, Hertfordshire

  • November 2021 - 
  • July 2022 - A photo taken in the music room shows the reflection of a man in the window. We have tried to debunk this but couldn't and have no explanation of who it could be. 

London Road - High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire

  • November 2023 - We were called in to a private house after the tenant was experiencing what he thought was paranormal activity. We did have cat balls triggered on the hall way and some EMF meters triggered but it was hard to tell if it was electrical. He did mention his children didn't like sleeping in their bedroom and the bathroom tap would come on but we didn't experience this during our visit.

Luton Theatre - Luton, Bedfordshire

  • June 2024 - Lights have been turned on when closing up by those who work there. A rubbish bin was strewn across the floor without explanation. During our investigation we had a good divining session in the CCTV room. When we sat in the top seats in the theatre room we felt like someone was sitting next to you. In the area that used to be the bar I sensed a cleaning lady. We had 2 photos taken in a corridor that in one shows a shadow and in the second it had disappeared, even though they were taken a second apart.

The Mallard - Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire

  • February 2022 - We were called in by Zanna after CCTV footage showed an image of a man walking across the car park. During the night Helen and I were talking and I watched as Helen's hair lifted up into the air. During an Ouija board session 2 of the girls at the table had scratches made on their back in the shape of number 1, when at the same time the planchette moved to 1 on the board. We had some words come through on the spirit box and cat balls activated in the restaurant area. 
  • May 2024 - We were able to use the building next door for this event and had great results. Upstairs in the office rooms we had EMF meters going off and a Ouija board session that came up with a couple of names. In the small office I felt very uncomfortable and the room was very heavy. In the stairway a young girl was seen by a team member. In the bar area a spirit box session came up with lots of responses. In the kitchen area we had a figure step into a laser grid and you could clearly see his arm. Out side in the doorway we did a vortex experiment and we captured an image of a young girl, wearing a frilly hat and holding a teddy. We believed her to be called Molly.
  • October 2024 - Tapping's were heard upstairs in the office rooms. Again, the small room off to the side it felt very uncomfortable. A rem bear was triggered during this time. EMF meters were repeatedly activated in one of the office rooms. A vortex experiment again showed what looked like the image of "Molly".

Minsdon Chapel - Minsden, Hertfordshire

  • June 2021 - We struggled to find the ruins when our sat-nav sent us around in circles for almost an hour. On arriving Dani almost instantly felt sick when she was stood around the back of the ruins. We heard footsteps in the undergrowth on the outskirts of the area, I felt we were surrounded by cavaliers on horseback and lots of EMF and cat ball activity. During a vortex experiment we had a picture captured of a gentleman. Our visit was cut short.
  • July 2022 - On this visit we had motion lights activated in the arched doorway. We thought we had cat balls activated on the wall but realised it was insects! Again we heard footsteps in the undergrowth on the outskirts of the area.  We did have some cat balls set off around the foundations and on a couple of occasions we had the rem bears light up. Again our visit was cut short.
  • September 2023 - On arriving we found a number of rabbit carcasses strewn about the ground in the front of the ruins. In the centre of the building there was a pentagram set out, made of stones. In the woodland we found a voodoo doll. It was a fairly quiet night but we did have some EMF meter activity and motion lights activated in the arched doorway again.

Moot Hall - Elstow, Bedfordshire

  • October 2019 - Cat balls were activated a number of times throughout the night and the chandelier moved by itself on request.
  • April 2022 - A human pendulum session, upstairs in the main hall, came up with the name Mark of 1721, who died of a heart attack. He lived at Moot Hall for 4 years. He had 2 children, a boy and a girl, one who died at 2 years old. He was married twice, first to Lucy and then to Isabelle. He first married at 21 and his wife was 19. Mark died 1784/5? On e this same evening a child was heard by a group of us running along the length of the hall upstairs. 
  • November 2022 - A torch was seen going down the stairs and the team in the Bunian room thought it was one of the team but we were all upstairs at the time. The was also an unusual moment when the door into the main room downstairs shut itself closed.

New Lowndes Arms - Whaddon, Buckinghamshire

  • November 2019 - In the B&B room we had the word Devil come up on the Ouija board. In another room we had tapping and cat balls activated. A lady was tapped on the shoulder whilst sat at the fireplace and had to leave. Cat balls and EMF meters were set off around the fireplace. a great scrying session where we had the image of a man show itself in the mirror.
  • October 2024 - A cat ball at the bottom of the stairs lit up when asked questions. We had tapping in the kitchen. 
  • February 2025 - A session upstairs in the main room had EMF meters activated and one of the guests talked about green lights in his eyes. Cat balls were triggered in both upstairs rooms. My hermitite necklace broke at the start of the night and during a Ouija board session in the cellar the planchette fixated on the necklace picture on the board. 

Old School House - Mitcheldean, Gloucester

  • August 2019 -  I stood by the fireplace and myself and another guest had something thrown at us. When we looked, we couldn't find anything. A shadow man was seen walking past the kitchen door a few times. In the small outdoor room I turned to see a monk, in full hooded robe, in prayer position. 

Oxford Castle - Oxfordshire

  • March 2022 - Just a walk around but I did witness the young girl in the cellar area and felt a presence in the top room up the very narrow stairwell.

Pendley Theatre - Tring, Hertfordshire

  • September 2020 - In the theatre, to the left of the stage we had a 10 minute conversation with a young boy who recognised Becky who works there. Cat balls were also responding to yes and no answers. In the office area we had a Ouija board session and EMF meters responding on questions.

RAF Manston - Ramsgate, Kent

  • April 2024 -  A great night in all area's with a session in the memorial area where we had an image on the SLS camera showing a figure, then watched it walk through the laser grid. In the armory room we had EMF meters being activated while cats balls going off at the same time. 
  • August 2024 - A EMF session in an aircraft where we asked questions and had responses similar to other groups with an RAF officer.

The Raven & Broomstick - Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire

  • October 2023 - In the museum we were aware of someone standing in the entrance and a shadow was seen. In the shop we had EMF meters going off, and orbs seen on the live stream.

Rectory Cottages, Bletchley, Buckinghamshire

  • September 2021 - We were lucky enough to take part in the world's largest ghost hunt and it was an honor. Unfortunately (or weirdly) all our equipment failed through the night although we did have a few cat balls activate and some EMF meters being activated.
  • March 2022 - A gentleman, who worked at a bank and was killed on a bike outside on the road, called John came up on a Ouija board. We had cat balls activated and the rem bear was set off a number of times at the entrance to the building.

St Braviels - Lydney, Gloucester

  • May 2015 - Up in one of the bedrooms I was sat on a side table and heard tapping above my head on request. A cat ball was placed on a shelf to my right and it responded to questions asked by the team leader. During a Ouija board session the medium taking part wrote down a name and number on a piece of paper and folded it. The name and number came up on the board during the session.
  • June 2019 - In the main hall I saw a young girl in petticoats, leather boots and curly long hair, skipping around the room. In one of the main rooms I took part in a scrying session and my face changed into the image of a young boy. During the night Michelle woke to see the cat balls going off in the room while everyone was sleeping.

St Peter's Church - Newport Pagnell, Buckinghamshire

  • April 2022 - The motion light were set off in the entrance of the ruins. We had a EVP of something being thrown at the wall. A Ouija board session brought out a young girl who was badly treated by the vicar of the church.

Sedgenhoe Church - Ridgemont, Bedfordshire

  • September 2021 - Cat balls on the far wall set off when asked. Two young children were using an EMF meter to communicate at the bottom of the bell tower. The rem bear was activated during the night. Very high EMF meter readings in the main area of the church.
  • May 2022 - We had an amazing Estes session where I was on the spirit box and others were asking questions. During the session we had my name called, Wellington came through, which we later found out there was a Wellington street years ago in the local village. 
  • June 2023 - On this occasion we were at the top of the graveyard and we had cat balls, EMF meters and the SLS camera all working together to show us a spirit was present. We also had an photo of someone peeping around the hedge which we can't debunk.

The Skirrid Mountain Inn - Abergavenny, Wales

  • March 2025 - 

Sighisoara - Romania

  • June 2023 - a presence was felt in the small antique / market shop, EMF meters activated while walking through the streets and the sound of hooves heard in the stable stalls.

The Sommeries - Luton, Bedfordshire

  • August 2022 - Cat balls activated. An EVP recording there sounds like someone in the background sighing and whispering but couldn't hear what was being said. Rem pods activated in the far corner. Footsteps heard around the back of the ruins.
  • May 2023 - EMF meters activated but a quiet night otherwise.

The Sun Hotel - Hitchin, Hertfordshire

  • October 2020 - A Ouija board session in room 10 came up with a lady who was controlled bu a gentleman called John. He didn't like Rob being on the board and got quite angry when he tried to communicate with him. We ended up closing down the board for fear of making his anger worse. At one point we couldn't keep our fingers on the planchette it was moving so fast. Cat balls activated in room 10 and 19 and also EMF meters.
  • June 2021 - A young boy made himself known behind the small bar upstairs. He was looking for his family and lived there. His name was William. In room 19 when lying on the bed everyone felt pressure on their chest. In the cellar, the wooden chair by the doorway began to rock without anyone around.
  • November 2024 - Words heard on P- SB7 in room 10 were marvelous, completely, risk, gains, temperature, who's that?, give me this, Kate, Thomas and Harold. Kelly picked up on Edward who had bleed on the brain? Tina thought someone had had a fall in the bathroom. Again, pressure was felt on peoples chests when they lay on the bed in room 19. Cat balls activated in room 19. Down in the cellar, whilst cat balls were being activated on request, we heard someone kick a box over in the small room at the end of the cellar.


Tring Park - Tring, Hertfordshire

  • July 2019 - In the doorway of the summer house an Ouija board session took place. The planchette moved around the board but nothing that made any sense came through. While this was going on we also had cat balls being activated.

Woburn Cemetry - Woburn, Buckinghamshire

  • June 2021 - We had a cat ball triggered and had the feeling we were being watched. We also heard someone walking about but there was lots of traffic on the high street so we weren't sure what it was.