Ghost Hunt at The British Schools Museum - June 21st 2025


This will be our second visit to The British Schools Museum, although we've not visited since before covid. 

Used by many paranormal groups, this building has a long history of spooky going's on, but being the last surviving Monotorial Schoolroom in the world, it's an amazing building in it's own right.

On an initial walkround, back in 2019, I witnessed a school mistress, dressed in a tweed two-piece, in one of the girls classrooms, a shadow of someone at the end of the corridor upstairs and a group of us heard a baby crying in the head masters living quarters, along with emf readings and cat balls being triggered!


Arrival time is 7.30 pm and we will aim to leave by 1.30 am.

41 / 42 Queen Street



There is free parking opposite in the asda carpark.